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In the context of Agile delivery contracts, calibration phase aims at addressing risk and collecting metrics which will serve as input for the actual Delivery execution contract What it is: Calibration phase is a quarter or 2 quarters long period of intense collaboration which allows to address risks and collect metrics so that both parties fully understand the engagement. It primarily covers: Why it is critical: Calibration phase is to assess key challenges in defined approach and mitigate them by necessary adaptations before moving into the actual Delivery execution. Calibration should not be confused with a preparation phase: calibration is about learning while delivering, not about preparing. When it is applicable: As of service commencement date or as soon as contract comes in effect, calibration phase kicks-off. This period of a quarter or 2 quarters is preferably covered under separate calibration contract to avoid financial implications for both parties. Penalties…

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In recent years particularly IT industry is turning towards lot of openness and adoption of Agile contracts in partner management departments. As in most organizations, agility is spreading across all the corners of the corporate environment and many of them started reflecting upon key areas to enable end to end organization wide agility, one of the pain point is certainly the nature of existing contracts is in place with vendors or the suppliers. With the issue identified, several organizations ventured into exploring the various mode of contracts with vendors who supports agile working approach. Lot of good practices and methods have been evolved in recent years but still vacuum of knowledge and half-hearted agile experience triggered some concerns in this transition process. In many instances, organizations preferably choose an option to define own customized Agile contracts and contracting process considering their organizational specificity. This is one of the best organic…

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